That one time I made a lamp

This is an old project - the results of which I threw out during my last move. 

It all started when I found out THIS lamp costs $4100, and there were only 100 of them made. 

The original designers said they were inspired by Ernst Haeckel's drawings, which look like this:
Image result for Ernst Haeckel’s drawings 

To me, the lamp looks like that Haeckel drawing, but on three axis (one "trunk" facing up, one facing flat, one trunk facing down). If I could make 12 trunks (3 for each axis x 4 to spread around a circular frame), I could replicate the resulting forest scene.

I started with the basic tutorial for making a wire tree. I used about the same gauge wire as in the tutorial, but I kept each trunk at either 10 or 12 strands.

The bare wire looked creepy.

So I wrapped masking tape around the whole thing.

The result was still pretty nobbly and weird, but it effectively replicated the forest effect. 

 Mischief managed, though the result wasn't something I liked enough to keep.


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